Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Learning from Three monks story

Division of Work

Watch this video to understand how can we increase our efficiency when we divide and work together as a team.

Stage 1, with a single monk:
Each monk has a capability of carrying 2 buckets at a time and performed his work very efficiently and his needs where also fulfilled when he carried 2 buckets of water.

Stage 2, second monk arrival:
The requirement of water is increased since the number of people are increased. So they planned to get the water by collaborating with each other. So they carried 1 bucket of water and placed the bucket exactly at the center so that the work load is decreased.
Some of you might be in an assumption that this is inefficient since 2 people are carrying only 1 bucket (Initially I felt the same :) )

But, By Calculating the energy used in each case, the 2nd case was more efficient than the 1st.

Stage 3, third monk arrived:
Since everyone consumes equal amount of water no one is willing to get the water. Suddenly an emergency situation occurred when they realised the value of team work. They collaborated effectively and make the problem resolved.

Stage 4, Introspection of the Ideas:
The three monks now started thinking to increase the efficiency which lead to new method. The idea which they generated reduced there effort drastically. They increased it to a vast extent and lived happily.

Understanding from this video:
1. There is always a scope for improvement.
2. Team work will always lead to efficiency.

3. Team work helps in generation of new ideas.
4. Technology should be used to reduce the work load.
5. Experiences in crisis management comes handy to come up with new innovative methods to solve the problems.
6. Innovation is a continuous process.

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